The best way for me to avoid plagiarism is to write in my own words and give credit to the original source. I also learned how to properly cite my sources using the MLA format, which will help me in any future research projects. Understanding the importance of academic integrity and properly citing sources will make me a more responsible and ethical student.
In this unit, I learned how to avoid plagiarism by writing in my own words and giving credit to the original source through proper citations. Learning to cite sources using MLA format will help me in future research projects and ensure I am a responsible student.
Write a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflection should be at least three sentences. You can use the following sentence starters as a guide. The best way for me to avoid plagiarism is to . . .
Put this in 7th graders wording, And a short 2 sentence summarization at the end, Make the reflection itself 4 sentences.
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