import sqlite3 # Importing the sqlite3 module
# Creating a database file
conn = sqlite3.connect('student.db')
# Creating a table named 'Student_Details' with three columns: 'Roll_No', 'Student_Name', and 'Student_Class'
conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE Student_Details
Student_Name TEXT NOT NULL,
Student_Class TEXT NOT NULL)''')
print("Table created successfully")
conn.close() # Closing the connection to the database file
1. First, we import the 'sqlite3' module that provides the Python interface to SQLite database.
2. Then, we create a connection to the database using the 'connect()' method and provide the name of the database file as an argument. In this case, we create a database file named 'student.db'.
3. Next, we define the structure of the table 'Student_Details' by using the 'execute()' method on the connection object.
4. Inside the execute method, we pass a SQL statement to create the table with three columns - 'Roll_No' (integer type primary key), 'Student_Name' (text type not null), and 'Student_Class' (text type not null).
5. After executing the create table statement, we print a message indicating that the table is created successfully.
6. Finally, we close the connection to the database file using the 'close()' method.
Write a Python code to create a database file and a table named ‘Student_Details’
with three columns, ‘Roll_No’, ‘Student_Name’ and ‘Student_Class’. Support your code with
suitable comme
1 answer