write a pseudocode to accept item name, price, and quality from a user and display the item name and it's total value. the total value can be calculated as the product of price and quality
7 answers
write a pseudocode to accept items name, price and quality from a user and display the items name and its total value. the total value can be calculated as the product of the price and quality.
1. start
2. get item name, price, quality
3. set total value = price * quality
4. print total value, item name
5. stop
2. get item name, price, quality
3. set total value = price * quality
4. print total value, item name
5. stop
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Retail Store: Input quantity and price of an item then display the total payment.
Quantity and price
Write pseudo code for the program which can calculate total sale by multiple quantity and price
Write pseudo code for this program:any students whom got CGPA more than 2.0 will pass their study ,and less than 2.0 will fail