Write a pseudo code algorithm which:
• Determines the average weight of a person over a particular year.
• For each month, your algorithm should input the person's weight for that month (a positive
real number). Your algorithm should loop, repeating the input, until the input is positive.
• Finally, your algorithm output the average weight.
4 answers
pseudocode that will accept 20 numbers and find their product????
Write an algorithm in pseudocode that finds the average of numbers in list A[n].
Convert a binary number to its decimal value
Write an Algorithm (Pseudo-code) and draw the flowchart to INPUT a student mark and then PRINT (display) the student evaluation that corresponds to its mark as follow:
Mark Evaluation <60
60<mark<69 “D”
70<mark<79 “C”
80<mark<89 “B”
90<mark<100 “A”
Mark Evaluation <60
60<mark<69 “D”
70<mark<79 “C”
80<mark<89 “B”
90<mark<100 “A”