Write a program that will ask a user how many numbers they would like to check. Then, using a for loop, prompt the user for a number, and output if that number is divisible by 3 or not. Continue doing this as many times as the user indicated. Once the loop ends, output how many numbers entered were divisible by 3 and how many were not divisible by 3.

Hint: For a number to be divisible by 3, when the number is divided by 3, there should be no remainder - so you will want to use the modulus (%) operator.

Hint: You will need two count variables to keep track of numbers divisible by 3 and numbers not divisible by 3.

Sample Run 1
How many numbers do you need to check? 5
Enter number: 20
20 is not divisible by 3.
Enter number: 33
33 is divisible by 3.
Enter number: 4
4 is not divisible by 3.
Enter number: 60
60 is divisible by 3.
Enter number: 8
8 is not divisible by 3.
You entered 2 number(s) that are divisible by 3.
You entered 3 number(s) that are not divisible by 3.
Sample Run 2
How many numbers do you need to check? 3
Enter number: 10
10 is not divisible by 3.
Enter number: 3
3 is divisible by 3.
Enter number: 400
400 is not divisible by 3.
You entered 1 number(s) that are divisible by 3.
You entered 2 number(s) that are not divisible by 3.
Prompt the user to answer the question, “How many numbers do you need to check? “
Create and initialize two count variables - one for numbers divisible by 3 and one for numbers not divisible by 3.
Based on the previous input, create a for loop that will run that exact number of times.
Prompt the user to "Enter number: "
If that number is divisible by 3, output “[number] is divisible by 3.”
Update the appropriate count variable.
Or else if the number is not divisible by 3, output “[number] is not divisible by 3.”
Update the appropriate count variable.
Output “You entered [number] number(s) that are divisible by 3.”
Output “You entered [number] number(s) that are not divisible by 3.”