sum = 0
for i=1 to 3
print "enter grade #", i
read grade[i]
sum = sum+grade[i]
next i
avg = sum/3
print "The grades are ", grade
print "The average is ", avg
as for the letter, you need to clarify how the numbers relate to the letter grades, then do some checking to see which letter to print.
Now you just need to read your C reference (or google away) and see how to use stdin and stdout for the I/O
write a program and create a flowchart or psuedocode that will ask the user for 3 grades. the program will calculate the average on those 3 grades. the program will display the 3 grades the average and the letter grade.
2 answers
Using pseudocode, develop the logic for a program that accepts three numbers as input and find the average of the numbers