Write a profilto Step 1: Think about a STORY you want to write. It can be completely made up, or a personal narrative (something that actually happened to you).

Examples: an embarrassing story, the first time you rode a roller coaster, when you made the game winning catch, the day you got a puppy, etc.
It can be ANY STORY you want to tell. It can be a happy, sad, exciting, any kind of story! Once you decide what your story is going to be about, write an introduction for your story using the Concept Web on page 3 of 9. Remember that your introduction should do the following:
get the reader's interest (hook)
give the reader a setting/context
introduce the narrator (point of view)
introduce a main character
Step 2: Then, use the story idea you had for your introduction to outline events for the plot. Use the Flowchart on page 6 of 9. Be sure to use dialogue (quotation marks of people speaking) in your story.

1 answer


Have you ever had a moment in your life that felt like it was straight out of a movie? Well, I certainly did on the day when I got lost in the bustling streets of Tokyo. It was a day that started off like any other, but ended up being one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

Plot Outline:
1. Setting the scene: Describe the vibrant streets of Tokyo, the hustle and bustle of the city, and the overwhelming sensation of being a foreigner in a new place.
2. Introducing the main character (me): Establish my excitement about exploring Tokyo and my eagerness to soak up the culture.
3. Getting lost: Describe the moment when I realized I had strayed from my group and found myself alone in a sea of unfamiliar faces.
4. Meeting a stranger: Introduce a kind stranger who offers to help me find my way back to my group, sparking a newfound connection and sense of gratitude.
5. Finding my way: Detail the adventure of navigating through the winding streets of Tokyo with the help of my new friend, experiencing both fear and relief along the way.
6. Reuniting with my group: Describe the heartwarming moment when I finally find my way back to my group, feeling a mix of relief, joy, and newfound appreciation for the kindness of strangers.
7. Reflection: Reflect on the lessons learned from this experience, the importance of staying calm in moments of uncertainty, and the beauty of human connection in times of need.

By following this outline, I hope to bring my story to life and share my unforgettable experience of getting lost in Tokyo with readers.