In the quiet room, we stand together
Me, my hand clutching yours
The years have slipped by, so swiftly
But now we're at heaven's doors
Your strength is fading, I can see
The lines etched deep on your face
But even in this moment of goodbye
Your love fills up this space
I hold your hand, so fragile now
But still so warm and strong
It's been my anchor through the years
Kept me steady all along
I'll never forget the moments we shared
The laughter, the tears, the love
And as I hold your hand for the last time
I feel truly blessed from above
You've been my guide, my protector
My rock in times of woe
And now as we say our final goodbye
I'll carry your love wherever I go
So as I hold your hand one final time
I'll treasure this memory forever
My daddy, my hero, my everything
I'll love you always, now and forever.
Write a poem about me ( daughter) holding daddy’s hand for the last time
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