In the realm of hushed whispers and gentle sighs,
Amidst the bustling world's ceaseless cries,
There dwells a soul, serene and still,
A quiet person, with stories to fulfill.
Their voice, a melodious murmur so rare,
Dancing on air like a feather in despair,
With each tender word, a pearl of thought,
Silent depths awakened, secrets sought.
A quiet person, like a moon's soft glow,
In shadows they wander, with mysteries in tow,
Their presence, like stardust, sprinkled so light,
A tapestry woven of unseen might.
In stillness, they listen to nature's lullaby,
Divining wisdom from the whispering sky,
Silent footprints tread upon paths untold,
The secrets of existence, within hearts unfold.
Their eyes, like windows to an enchanted vale,
Reflecting a universe where dreams prevail,
Observing the world with a soulful gaze,
Unveiling the veiled through life's mystic maze.
A quiet person, a masterpiece in shade,
Embracing solitude like a tender serenade,
Their thoughts, like whispers from ancient lands,
Embracing the heart with gentle, loving hands.
So let us not mistake their taciturn grace,
For the frailty of a muffled voice's embrace,
But see the poet within, blossoming wide,
For in their quietude, worlds collide.
For in their quietude, worlds collide.
Write a poem about a quiet person
Be sure that you used poetic techniques such as rhyme scheme and sound devices to create a strong overall effect and to express a meaningful idea in your draft. Be sure that you used figurative language.
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