Write a persuasive, formal letter to aspecific European philosopher. The assignment should be between 700-1050Words.

· In the letter,argue that this philosopher is incorrect in his or her view about a particularissue.
· Providesupport from your readings, examples from your experience, and your ownanalysis to prove the philosopher wrong.
· Post the letteras an attachment.
about albert camus

9 answers

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I need to know more about albert cumus and his theses on life is absurd also how should I start my letter . That is alot to write when you have so little to go on . and we cant write anything about them because it is a letter to them.

Dear M. Camus:

Your thesis on life is absurd.
anything else you can help with this is what i have so far. dear albert camus , you wtote a these that life is absurd that there is no reason why things are the way they are also imply that life is unjust and fruitratis human needs . That many peopel need to make choices and how to act in a valueless and absurd world. You say there is two basic needs the first is the need for clarity or understaning and the second one is the need for social warmth and contact. what do you think so far I do not want to plarerize and my teacher has been very hard on me about writing my own words and citing my sources which is hard for me some times.
But you CAN include examples of what you think is absurd from his writings. (See your instructions.)
Citation information:

You need to have each source of information cited in TWO places:

A. the Works Cited page that is placed after the last page of your paper, and
B. in parentheses in the text of your paper, immediately after the quotation or paraphrase.

For example, this would go on the Works Cited page (with proper indentation for the second and following lines):

Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago, 1903. Project Bartleby. Ed. Steven van Leeuwen. Dec. 1995. Columbia U. 2 Dec. 2009

... and this would go immediately after the quotation or whatever:
(Du Bois)

The information in parentheses in the text needs to be as brief as possible. That's why there's a Works Cited page – for all the details of the listing.

(Broken Link Removed)

In the website above, hold your cursor over the words CITING SOURCES in the left column and then click on whatever type of source you need help with. Many examples will show up. You will get two examples for each type of reference – one for the Works Cited page and one for the parenthetical (in-text) citation.

You can also see what a Works Cited page looks like – click on Sample Works Cited in the left column.
but what do you think of what i have so far is it ok.
Please read what you have written aloud to someone else ... and then make corrections. Then re-post, and someone here will be happy to comment. It's too rough right now to be read easily.

Thanks. =)
I to write a letter to a philosopher I don't understand how?