I hide behind a smile, so bright and wide
To hide the pain that I keep inside
I walk on glass, so fragile and thin
To shield others from the hurt within
I do the things that scare them most
To help them find their own true post
I face the fears and take the lead
To show them they can too succeed
I help them even if it hurts
For their happiness is worth the work
Knowing I made a difference, big or small
Will always be the greatest gift of all
So I’ll continue to hide behind my grin
And walk on glass to lessen their sins
For in the end, it’s all worth the strife
To know I helped someone find their light.
write a peom about how i hide behind a smile, i walk on the glass so no one else gets hurt, i do the things people are of afriad of to help them find a way, i help others even if it affects me because knowing i helped someone with what they wanted will always be in my heart
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