A single drop of water begins its journey in a tranquil lake, where it is absorbed by the warmth of the sun and transformed into vapor through evaporation. Rising into the atmosphere, it encounters cooler air, causing it to condense into tiny droplets, forming a fluffy cloud. As the cloud drifts across the sky, it eventually gathers enough moisture and weight, leading to precipitation. Falling to the earth as rain, the drop may land back in the lake, replenishing the water body, or flow into rivers and streams, journeying through various landscapes. Ultimately, the drop's travels will take it to the ocean, where it can once again evaporate, renewing its cycle as it continues the eternal dance of the water cycle.
Write a paragraph that describes the path that one drop of water takes as it moves through the water cycle. In your paragraph, include at least two changes in the form of water.
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