Write a paragraph explaining how someone can take active notes to prepare for a collaborative discussion.
1 answer
Active note-taking is an essential way to prepare for a collaborative discussion. Before the discussion, a person can read any relevant materials, take notes, and highlight key points. During the discussion, one should revise and add to their existing notes. One way to stay engaged and focused during the discussion is to listen carefully to what others are saying, jotting down their main ideas, and reactions. One should pay attention to any new ideas that emerge, and identify points of agreement or disagreement. It is also important to ask questions when uncertain about something, and paraphrase what others have said, to separate fact from opinion. After the discussion, it is important to review and reflect on the notes, identifying any areas that need further research or clarification. In this way, active note-taking can help one to stay organized, informed and prepared for a successful collaborative discussion.