Write a paragraph describing how the U.S. government managed the economy during World War I and the economic effects of that management. Consider the roles played by the Food Administration, the War Industries Board (WIB), and the War Labor Board.

12 answers

No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no rough drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.
yeah... i know, I just want to know what type of questions i should be asking or links i should go to.
The U.S government managed the economy during WWI by giving centralized price. It was all controlled by the Idustries Board,food adminstration and WLB. By doing that, came the great depression and then world war three. The US economy had alot due to there part in WWI.
would that be a reasonable responce?
JustAnotherKid i’m pretty sure he/she is correct but i’m pretty sure you meant World War 2 right?
no connexus girl, this test is about world war 1 not 2
No, connexus girl is talking about when they said ww3
Yeahhhh my teacher said its wrong
ww3 never happened lol
it did when I tell my mom no it was about 13 years ago on a friday and i was never seen again
conexus girl u are WRONG. getya fax straightttttt