When Madame Loisel lost the diamond necklace, she and her husband went through years of poverty and struggle. They were able to overcome their difficulties eventually, and Monsieur Loisel's hard work and determination helped them get to a place of financial stability. However, Madame Loisel always carried the pain of losing the necklace with her, feeling that her life could have been so much better if only she had been able to keep it.
Years later, she received a letter from an old friend who had recently passed away. In the letter, the friend revealed that she had borrowed the necklace and lost it herself. The friend had never wanted to admit this, and had kept it a secret until her death. Madame Loisel was overwhelmed with emotion as she read the letter, realizing all the years of suffering she and her husband had gone through needlessly. But now, with the truth revealed, she was able to let go of the resentment and bitterness she had been carrying and find peace. She and her husband were grateful for all that they had overcome together, and were able to enjoy their life together with a new sense of appreciation and joy.
Write a new ending for "The Diamond Necklace". You can go further back in the story if you’d like and change it a bit more, but the essence, or theme of the story should stay the same. This should be at least a paragraph long. You will upload the new ending to your instructor.
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