Write a narrative about a contest of competition and how it affects the growth of a character or the relationship between two or more characters

Header and heading, font, and text size must be MLA formatted.
Must be 2-3 pages in length.
Must demonstrate understanding of plot structure. (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
Must demonstrate the ability to use sensory details.
Must include character development.
Must include dialogue between 2 or more characters.
Must use correct spelling and grammar except during dialogue.

(turn this story into that )
Just like any other day in New York City its gloomy weather cars driving onto the puddles left by the rain, people talking throughout the city, lights so bright the night stars cannot be seen, it's perfect right? Few streets down 104 street to be exact a family of two is moving in with a mother and daughter named Emily Wright and Sophia Wright, “ugh mom are you sure this is the right place?” said Sophia “of course it is dear you know it's been tough finding the right place please don't put so much pressure on me love” said Emily, Sophia walks upstairs to her room she sighs as she enters with a very tired and sadden expression as if she been crying for some hours she grabs a picture from her box that's filled with her personal belongings she sits down and starts to think about her time before she moved to new york city, she lived in texas with her father and mother sophia rarely saw her parents fight she always thought they were meant to be until she grew older her father drank more and started to get more verbally abusive. Sohpias mom had enough and thought it's best for her daughter and herself to move far away and start fresh. A tear fell down Sophia's cheek then Emily walked in “are you okay dear?” she says with a gentle tone Sohpia looks up “yes” she stuttered a bit but clears her throat and wipes a tear Emily didn't believe she was okay but she didn't wanna push as she knows how hard a divorce could be as her herself was a child of divorce she nods and gives her daughter a warm smile and before walking out says one last thing “i'm always here for you okay?” Sophia's stops grabbing things from her box and mumbles “that's what dad used to always say” Emily hears her before closing Sophia's door and her heart aches even more on hearing her daughter speak about her father she just gently closes the door and walks off to her own room.
Its now 8 pm Sohpia has finished unpack most of her things her closet is now filled with her clothes and her bed is made nicely she sighs and lays back on her bed as she sits there for a while staring at her ceiling thinking about her future and how much she hates new york city she than speaks “ i wish this never happened” she says with a sad tone and sighs closes her eyes as she drifts off to sleep suddenly her bed shakes the lamp on her floor falls and she shoots up looking around and looks up at the clock that now says 6:00 am she then runs to her door and opens it to find a whole new set up then what it looked like last night a woman with dark hair turns with a shocked expression and drops the plates onto the ground she than speaks in a shaky tone “who are you” Sohpia eyes widen and shouts “ WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOME!?”
The woman flinched as Sophia shouted at her “your home? I live here. I have been living here since i was sixteen ever since my mother and father had a divorce actually” she says trying to calm herself down with slow breaths. Sophia also starts to calm down as she now thinks the woman seems not to want to harm her she takes a deep breathe walking fully into the kitchen with the woman “i've also lived here since i was sixteen and my mother and father had a divorce too that was the whole purpose me and my mom moved to new york “ she says with a comforting smile as a way to signal she relates. The woman tilts her head “ah thats funny thats the same reason we moved here too” she leans against the counter one hand on her hip to get a closer look at Sophia the woman speaks again “so what's your name?” Sohpia looks up at her again “my name is Sohpia Wright” the woman eyes widen with shock “funny thats my name too” Sohpia gives her a suspicious look “your name is Sohpia Wright yah nice joke” The woman laughs “if only i was joking”
She then reaches for a photo of her younger self and gently hands it to Sohpia , she grabs it and looks at it and looks back at the woman “how do you have this? This looks just like me” the woman nods in agreement “odd isn't it?” she sighs “my mother's nickname for me was sophie could call me that so we don't get mixed up huh?” Sohpia nods “my mother called me that too” she nervously laughed and then spoke up again “would it be possible we are the same person?” Sohpie tilted her head “ that seems like something that could happen in movies but i'll bite sure let's say we are why would the younger version of me come see me at twenty five ?” Sohpia jaw dropped “your twenty five? Holy cow you still look young” she said shocked Sohpie then laughed and said “i don't think twenty five is that old but thanks”.

They both sit by each other going on about how Sohpie life is and how crazy her younger life was. They both laughed and leaned against the couch and both looked up at the ceiling “cant believe imma be married at twenty five, I never wanted to get married you know?” Sohpie turns to look at her “yeah i know im literally you “ they both laugh again “its not bad as you think we only never wanted to get married because of our fear of what happened to mom and dad but you know what we just have to make a leap for it
and i can tell you it was worth it “ Sohpia looks at her also and says “worth it? Really? The risk of our hearts breaking, are you sure it's worth it?” Sohpie nods with a comforting smile “ we might be married in years time but in your time you are still healing from what has happened and it's okay trust me you will find that right person even if it takes alot of heartbreaks to get the right one” Sohpia nodded it made sense she thought to herself “who knew i was so wise” she then looks down to grab her soda then notices Sophie rubbing her stomach in a gentle manor “are you okay did you drink to much soda?” Sohpie looks at her “guess you also never thought we would have children too huh?” Sophia's eyes widen wider than ever before. “ IMA HAVE A CHILD!?” Sophie laughs “you bet you are, I know I know we hated the thought of having children but it's worth it, this is our second baby “ Sophia sighs loudly “ you are just slapping our fear right in its face aren't you?” Sophie smiles then Sophia quickly speaks up again “you said two? Where's the other one” Sohpie stands up and walks to the door by the living room television and waves Sohpia over, Sohpia quickly walks to the door as Sophie opens it its a baby room filled with cute teddy bears and a bunch of baby toys and a crib Sohpia breathe gets catched in her throat for a moment than walks to the crib and looks down to see a very cute baby “i made that?” she says as her eyes water Sohpie comfortingly pats her shoulder “yup that's our baby girl “ she says picking up the baby “she got her dads eyes though” sophia looks up at her “ yeah right! Our husband who did we end up stuck with?” Sophia says sarcastically, Sophie almost chokes with that statement with a laugh she says “end up stuck with huh? Forgot how bold I was with words “ she smiles and gives the baby for Sohpia to hold, Sophia holds the baby with care and a happy tear goes down her cheek Sohpie notices then speaks again “ i think who we ended up married should be the surprise don't want to ruin the past by telling you the future right?” Sohpia looks back at Sophie “awh come on please? Just one hint?” she says with puppy dog eyes Sohpie than speaks “ come on you can't fool me with those eyes i know you i quit literally am you only hint i'll give is its the person you'd least expect” Sohpia mumbles “still got a hint” Sohpie rolls her eyes and picks up the baby gently and sets it back in the crib.They both go back to the living room with the baby's room door now closed and now standing by the door Sohpia first entered into this place Sohpie looks at her with a caring look and kneels down “whatever is happening right now for you its all apart of our story and how great of a person we become dont ever give up and don't let our pain in the past define our future” she stands back up and hugs her tightly “. Sohpia hugs her back tightly with tears going down her face she says with a laugh “ i guess getting married and babies are that bad “ they both laugh as tears both go down there face and they both stop hugging each other as she lets Sohpia go through the door they both give each other a wave goodbye and Sohpia goes through the door. “The end” Sohpia closes the book shut with a smile “awh no mama one more!” Brandon whined while sitting by his mother.“Mommy did that really happen?” Lucky smiled and while playing with her long hair Brandon then looked at his sister “Of course not lucky it's just a story right mama?” Sohpia looked at both her children with a loving smile then her husband luka walked in “ all ready for bed now everyone?” The two of them run up to their beds and Sohpia stands up hugging her husband “read them that story again?” luka says looking at her “they can't get enough of it” Sohpia replies. Lucky shouts “ MAMA DID SOPHIA EVER FIND OUT WHO HER HUSBAND WAS?” Sohpia smiled at luka and looked back at lucky “she sure did “ she said lovingly, Brandon groaned and peeked from under his blanket “ It's just a story lucky right mom?” Sohpia looked at everyone and with a smile she said “it's whatever you want it to be” she kissed them both goodnight on their foreheads and her and luka while holding hands turned off the lights and walked out the room. As they both sit in the living room luka laughs and points to the book “that Sohpia girl hated New York. Did she ever change her mind and end up liking it?” Sohpia laughed and jokingly punched his shoulder then said “of course she did, of course”.

1 answer

The Contest of Comparison

A Narrative of Overcoming Doubt

In the swirling pulse of New York City, the air thick with rain-soaked anticipation, Emily Wright and her daughter Sophia moved into their new apartment on 104th Street. It was one of those classic days—gray clouds hung low, the streets shimmered with puddles, and the relentless chorus of car horns punctuated the atmosphere. Sophia stepped from the car, her brow furrowed in disbelief.

“Ugh, Mom, are you sure this is the right place?” she asked, her voice echoing her concern.

“Of course it is, dear,” Emily replied, trying to keep her own apprehension at bay. “You know it’s been tough finding the right place. Please don’t put so much pressure on me, love.”

As they settled in amid boxes, Sophia ascended the stairs with a heaviness that seemed to cling to her spirit. She sat down on her bed, the scent of fresh paint mixing with dampness from the rain outside. As she rummaged through a box, she pulled out a faded photograph from her happier days in Texas. The image captured a family gathered under a sunlit sky, her parents beaming. Tears welled up. She couldn’t help but recall how she had thought their marriage was unbreakable until the strains of her father’s drinking and anger shattered that illusion.

A gentle knock interrupted her thoughts. “Are you okay, dear?” Emily’s voice was soft and reassuring.

“Yes,” Sophia lied, clearing her throat to hide the tremor. She could see concern etched on her mother’s face. The warmth in Emily’s eyes revealed her understanding; she, too, had known the scars left by divorce.

“I'm always here for you, okay?” Emily promised before leaving, her heart heavy for her daughter.

"That's what Dad used to always say," Sophia mumbled under her breath, provoking a fresh wave of sadness within her mother. Emily quietly closed the door, leaving the burden of their past lingering in the air.

Nightfall came, draping the city in a cloak of darkness, broken only by neon lights. The hour crept toward 8 PM, and Sophia lay on her neatly made bed, staring at the ceiling and dreaming of a future that felt a thousand miles away. “I wish this never happened,” she whispered.

In the stillness, an unexpected tremor jolted her awake. The clock blinked 6:00 AM. She jumped from her bed, only to discover a stranger standing in the kitchen.

“Who are you?” the woman with dark hair exclaimed, eyes wide with shock.

“WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOME!?” Sophia shouted, her heart racing against the confusion and fear.

“Your home? I live here. I’ve been living here since I was sixteen! I moved here after my parents divorced, too!” the woman said, her voice quaking but steadying.

As the tension dissolved, Sophia took a deep breath. “Same reason my mom and I did,” she replied, a tentative smile breaking through the apprehension. “I’m Sophia Wright.”

The woman’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Funny, that’s my name too.”

Sophia squinted, incredulous. “Your name is Sophia Wright? Nice joke.”

“If only,” the woman chuckled, pulling out a photo from her pocket. “I’m Sophie—my mom called me that to avoid confusion.”

Handing over the photograph, Sophia was taken aback by the resemblance. “How do you have this? It looks just like me!”

“Odd, isn’t it?” Sophie said with a grin. “You’d think we were the same person.”

“Right!” Sophia echoed, both intrigued and skeptical. “But why would my younger self visit me like this at twenty-five?”

“I don’t think twenty-five is old,” Sophie teased, “but seriously, you’re on the brink of becoming me.”

They sank into a shared camaraderie, exchanging stories about their pasts. “Can you believe I’m getting married at twenty-five? I never wanted to,” Sophie said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I know—I’m literally you,” Sophia said, rolling her eyes. They laughed, the sound a salve over their uncertainties.

Sophie leaned closer, her tone growing sincere. “We avoided marriage because of our parents’ mistakes, but let me tell you—it’s worth the leap.”

Sophia furrowed her brow. “The risk of heartbreak? Is it really worth it?”

“Yes,” Sophie replied with unwavering conviction. “You will find love, even amidst the hurts.”

The room fell silent as Sophia absorbed Sophie’s wisdom. “Who knew I was so wise?”

An amused expression crossed Sophie’s face as she noticed a hand resting gently on her stomach. “Guess you also never expected to have children?”

“Wait—what? I’m going to be a mom?” Sophia exclaimed, realization crashing down like a tidal wave.

Sophie chuckled, “You bet you are! And it’s amazing!”

As they continued to talk, Sophie led Sophia to a baby room filled with colorful toys and a crib. “I made that?” Sophia’s eyes shimmered with tears of joy as she gazed at the baby.

Sophie gently took the child into her arms. “Yup! That’s our baby girl.”

“Who’s the lucky dad?” Sophia teased, trying to mask her anxiety.

Sophie laughed. “Stuck with someone you least expect. But that surprise makes the journey beautiful.”

Sophia’s heart swelled. “You’re right. Whatever is happening for us, it’s part of our story,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.

Sophie wrapped her arms around Sophia. “Don’t let your past define your future.”

As they hugged, tears mingled with laughter. “Guess getting married and having babies isn’t so bad after all,” Sophia mused.

“Not at all,” Sophie agreed.

When they parted, Sophia felt empowered as she stepped toward the door. “Goodbye, Sophie.”

“The end,” Sophia murmured as she closed her book with a smile.

“Mommy, did that really happen?” Lucky, her daughter, asked, her innocent eyes wide with wonder.

“Of course not, Lucky. It’s just a story, right, Mama?” Brandon chimed in.

Sohpia smiled at her children and then caught Luka’s affectionate gaze as he walked through the door. “All ready for bed, now, everyone?”

Brandon peeked from under his blanket. “It’s just a story, right, Mom?”

“Whatever you want it to be,” she said, kissing them goodnight.

As she rejoined Luka in the living room, the remnants of her experience lingered, transforming her outlook on life and the future that awaited her and her two children—a tapestry woven with dreams, hope, and love in the vibrant heart of New York City.