I never got my chance to shine, to make my mark on the world.
I was always in their shadow, the forgotten Schuyler girl.
But then, in one moment, I became a hero in their eyes,
I sacrificed myself to save my sister and in that moment, I realized
I may not have been the brightest or the boldest or the best,
But I was brave and selfless and I passed that final test.
I may not have a legacy that will live on forever,
But I will always be remembered as the sister who was clever.
I may have been the youngest, the one left out of the trio,
But in the end, I proved that I was strong and that I could be a hero.
So here I am, a spirit floating in the ether,
Watching over my sisters and feeling bittersweet as I see her
Taking her place in history, while I fade into the background,
But I will always be there, silently watching, never making a sound.
So remember me, Peggy Schuyler, the forgotten one,
The one who died a hero, the one whose story is finally spun.
I may not have had my moment in the sun,
But I will always be there, watching over my sisters, the chosen ones.
write a monologue from the character Peggy Schuyler perspective.
It should be sad and meaningful. The song will take place after the song take a break. At this time Peggy has just been killed. Yet she died a hero for she saved her baby sister.
here is what i have s far
Title: Peggy Schuyler.
The Schuyler sisters.
What about me?
Where am I? What about me?
1 answer