Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.
Here are some websites to give you some ideas about wording and level of formality or informality to strive for.
How to Write Memos
On this page: what is a memo, example memos, why write memos, how to write a memo, practice exercise. What is a memo? A memo is: ...
what is a memo - example memos - why write memos
Memo Writing - The OWL at Purdue
Apr 29, 2009 ... Cover Letters 2: Preparing to Write a Cover Letter .... Memos have a twofold purpose: they bring attention to problems and they solve ...
How to Write a Memo - LoveToKnow Business
Oct 7, 2009 ... Learning how to write a memo successfully can positively affect your career. Did you know that promotions are sometimes withheld based on ...
How to Write a Business Memo
A memo is an effective way to communicate within a company or organization. When planning yours, be sure to think about it from the readers perspective.
Write a memo from Joe Gilmore to Christine Lancaster, regarding her idea for the next training series
1 answer