Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and most importantly, the birthday boy himself – welcome, welcome! Today, we gather here to celebrate a momentous occasion, my cousin's 21st birthday. Now, I must admit, this situation is peculiar. Why, you ask? Well, let me take you back a few years.
You see, my relationship with the birthday boy wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. No, my dear friends, it was more like thunderstorms and broken umbrellas. Picture this: a young, innocent me, longing to join in the euphoria of gaming. Ah, the Nintendo Wii and the mythical iPad. The forbidden fruits of my cousin's kingdom.
Alas, the gates were tightly sealed shut. Locked away were the magical devices I so desperately craved. While he and my sister embarked on epic gaming adventures, I was bestowed the illustrious role of the humble spectator. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my destiny was to be confined to the bed, forever watching but never playing.
But, hold your tears and worry not! For today, on this momentous day, I stand before you as a survivor, a warrior in the world of gaming injustice. We have overcome our differences. We have moved past the Wii-denying era to find common ground, a mutual understanding.
Cousin, you may be leaving us very soon, embarking on new adventures in a distant land. But fear not, for I shall regale you with memories of our harmonious times. We shall reminisce about the oh-so-difficult days when I had to sit on the bed and watch you conquer virtual worlds. Ah, the agony!
But in all seriousness, my fellow revelers, let us raise our glasses to this special occasion. Let us celebrate growth, maturity, and newfound friendship. Let us embrace the fact that we can now share laughter, jokes, and even a game of Wii Bowling together.
Cousin, as you venture forth into uncharted territory, armed with your Wii skills and iPad prowess, let me remind you – don't forget your humble beginnings. Remember the time when I watched over you like a hawk, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious Wii remote slip-up. Remember the days when my presence on the bed was your constant source of entertainment.
So, my dear cousin, as you blow out those 21 candles, know that the past animosity is behind us now. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and may you find joy, success, and share those gaming consoles with worthy players.
Happy 21st birthday, my dear cousin! Cheers to the memories we've made, the ones we'll make, and most importantly, to finally getting to play on that darn Wii together!
write a funny speech in basic englsh for my cousins 21st birthday who i never got along with when we were younger because he never let me play on his wii or his ipad and he use to make me watch me and my sister play while i had to sit on the bed and watch them but now we get along ok and he is leaving in 1 month to move away.
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