To get to Shushumela village from Lebowakgomo, follow these steps:
1. Start in Lebowakgomo and head north on the R37 road.
2. Continue on the R37 road until you reach the turn-off for Moria.
3. Keep following the R37 road past Moria and continue north towards Polokwane.
4. After passing Polokwane, you will reach a town called Mankweng.
5. Continue on the R37 road past Mankweng and you will eventually reach Ga-Molepo village.
6. After passing Ga-Molepo village, continue on the R37 road until you reach the turn-off for Shushumela village.
7. Turn left onto the road leading to Shushumela village and follow the signs to reach your destination.
After passing Lebowakgomo, you will pass through Moria, Polokwane, Mankweng, and Ga-Molepo villages before reaching Shushumela village.
Write a direction to someone who is in lebowakgomo and wants to come to shushumela village step by step and please tell me the correct direction please and tel me that after passing lebowakgomo u pass which village .I want to know everything
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