Con-se-quence (noun)
As in: like a ripple in a pond,
Consequences unfold in a chain reaction,
Each one building upon the last,
A domino effect of choices made.
As in: a skipped assignment leading to a failing grade,
Consequences can be harsh lessons learned,
The weight of regret and missed opportunities,
Heavy burdens to carry.
As in: a kind word leading to a new friendship,
Consequences can also bring unexpected joys,
A simple action creating ripples of positivity,
Shaping the course of our lives.
As in: a reckless decision leading to a tragic end,
Consequences can be unforgiving,
A harsh reminder of the power of our choices,
And the impact they have on our world.
Write a Definition Poem that is modeled after one of the Definition Poems in The Crossover. To earn full credit make sure your poem:
• has a title that breaks the word into syllables and provides the pronunciation and part of speech (4 points)
• has 4 stanzas (remember, stanza is to poem as paragraph is to essay) (4 points)
• Stanza 1 includes the definition of the word
• Stanzas 2-4 begin with As in: and provide clear examples
• tells a story (1 point)
• uses descriptive or figurative language (1 point)
Word is consequence 8th grade
1 answer