Write a debate for the motion boys should help in the kitchen

1 answer

Chairperson: Good morning/afternoon everyone, welcome to our debate on the motion, "Boys should help in the kitchen." The aim of today's debate is to explore and critically analyze both the pros and cons of this statement. Let us begin by defining the motion. To help us do that, let's hear from the proposer of this motion. Proposer, please take the stage.

Proposer: Thank you, Madam Chairperson. The motion that boys should help in the kitchen centers on the belief that there is a need to challenge the traditional gender roles that are often associated with various household duties, especially cooking. It is high time to disband such traditional gender roles, and that's why I am supporting this motion. Boys should help in the kitchen just as girls can engage in sporting activities that were formerly regarded as being for boys alone. Cooking, for instance, is a life skill that is essential for all irrespective of gender. It is therefore imperative to encourage boys to help in the kitchen, learn how to cook and partake in various kitchen activities.

Chairperson: Thank you, Proposer, for such an excellent opening statement. You have perfectly captured the essence of this motion. Now let's have the Opposition's perspective. Opposer, please go ahead.

Opposer: Good afternoon, Madam Chairperson, and thank you for the opportunity to speak. I would like to argue that it's not necessary for boys to help in the kitchen. It is a traditional gender role that has been in existence since time immemorial. Men have never been interested in cooking, and there's no need to force them to help with something they are not interested in. Also, cooking is a task that merely takes up time and doesn't need much physical strength, which is essential for boys to develop. Instead, boys should engage in more physical activities such as sports or outdoor assignments that will help them develop their physical and mental abilities. Besides, the society we live in has evolved to the point where everyone can make their own choices, so there is no need to force boys to do something that they find difficult and unappealing.

Chairperson: Thank you, Opposer, for presenting the opposition's perspective. Your point of view is insightful and perfectly captures how equally passionate you are on the topic. Now it's time to start our discussion, and I would like to give an opportunity to members to raise their hands if they have a question for either of the speakers.

Member 1: I have a question for the Proposer. How do you propose to get boys involved in the kitchen when there is resistance to the idea both in the home and the society at large?

Proposer: Thank you, Member 1. I believe that getting boys involved in the kitchen would require a deliberate and conscious attempt to cultivate that interest from an early age. Parents should encourage and teach boys how to cook. Schools can offer cooking and home economics classes for both girls and boys. Society at large should stop stigmatizing kitchen or cooking activities as being predominantly female. The change we desire should come from a collective effort by all the stakeholders, including parents, siblings, schools, and society at large.

Chairperson: Thank you, Proposer, for your response. Can we have one last question from anyone in the audience?

Member 2: I have a question for the Opposer. Don't you think that by depriving boys of learning how to cook, you're setting them up for failure in the future, where cooking skills are very important given our fast-paced lives?

Opposer: Thank you, Member 2. I disagree with you on that. Encouraging boys to learn how to cook is not the only way to help them handle the future. Parents have other obligations of ensuring that their children grow up with the necessary skills that are required to succeed in life. Boys can easily learn how to cook when they become independent adults or when the need arises. There is no need to impose such roles on them.

Chairperson: Thank you, Opposer. We have come to the end of our debate. It's now time to vote. All those in support of the motion, "Boys should help in the kitchen," raise your hands. And those against, please raise your hands.

In conclusion, the majority have voted in support of the motion that boys should help in the kitchen. The debate has brought to light different perspectives, but it's important to acknowledge that the society we live in today is dynamic and requires us to question existing beliefs. We need to embrace change and encourage our boys to learn how to cook, which is an essential life skill. As the famous saying goes, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Thank you for participating in this debate.