Write a class called PocketChange that models a handful of change you might find in your pocket. The class has the following specifications:
• Instance Variables - all instance variables are private!
- int toonies - the number of toonies in the user's pocket
- int loonies - the number of loonies in the user's pocket
- int quarters - the number of quarters in the user's pocket
- int dimes - the number of dimes in the user's pocket
- int nickels - the number of nickels in the user's pocket
- int pennies - the number of pennies in the user's pocket
• Methods:
- PocketChange() - default constructor assigns 0 as a default value to all instance variables.
- PocketChange(toonies, loonies, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies) - sets the values of all the instance variables to the programmer-specified parameter values.
- calculateTotal method will
calculate and return the total amount of money in the user's pocket, based on the values in each of the instance variables.
- toString() - returns a String with the following format:
- Toonies: t
- Loonies: L
- Quarters: q
- Dimes: d
- Nickels: n
- Pennies: p
where t, L, q, d, n, and p are the number of toonies, loonies, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
In the main method:
Write a test program to test your class.
Get user input for the pocket change he has right now. And then calculate the total value of the change.
2 answers
so, loop till input is all retrieved.
The total value of the change adds up #coins * value for each coin
That should get you started