Here are Boolean expressions that satisfy each of the given conditions:
Condition 1: The value of \( x \) is greater than 10 and \( y \) is less than or equal to 20.
- Expression: \( (x > 10) \land (y \leq 20) \)
Condition 2: Either \( a \) is equal to 5 or \( b \) is not equal to 10.
- Expression: \( (a = 5) \lor (b \neq 10) \)
Condition 3: \( c \) is not greater than 15.
- Expression: \( (c \leq 15) \)
Condition 4: \( \text{age} \) is between 18 and 25 (inclusive).
- Expression: \( (18 \leq \text{age} \leq 25) \) or \( (\text{age} \geq 18) \land (\text{age} \leq 25) \)
Condition 5: The number \( n \) is even and greater than 10.
- Expression: \( (n \mod 2 = 0) \land (n > 10) \)
These expressions use standard Boolean operators: \( \land \) (and), \( \lor \) (or), and logical comparisons to establish the required conditions.