Write a Bibliography about Adolf Eichmann

1 answer

Certainly! Below is a bibliography focused on Adolf Eichmann, his life, his role in the Holocaust, and the subsequent trial that brought him to global attention. This bibliography includes books, articles, and other resources that provide insight into his actions and the impact they had on history.

Bibliography on Adolf Eichmann


  1. Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Penguin Books, 2006.

    • This seminal work by political theorist Hannah Arendt discusses the trial of Adolf Eichmann and the moral implications of his actions during the Holocaust.
  2. Browning, Christopher. The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 - March 1942. University of Nebraska Press, 2004.

    • Browning examines the processes that led to the Holocaust, providing context for Eichmann's role in orchestrating the mass deportation of Jews.
  3. Eichmann, Adolf. Eichmann: The Documentary. Edited by Peter P. Weiner. The Davison Institute, 2007.

    • This book provides a collection of documents and photographs related to Eichmann's life and actions, offering a perspective on his ideology and operations.
  4. Gellately, Gordon. Leading the German Revolution: The Political and Social Origins of National Socialism. Harvard University Press, 2007.

    • An analysis of the broader political landscape in Germany during Eichmann’s ascent within the Nazi party, contextualizing his role in the regime.
  5. Laqueur, Walter. The Holocaust Encounter: The New Historical Perspective. Transaction Publishers, 1992.

    • This work explores various aspects of the Holocaust, including the role of individuals like Eichmann within the larger narrative.
  6. Marrus, Michael R. The Holocaust in History. Key Porter Books, 1987.

    • Marrus provides an overview of the Holocaust, detailing the various factors and figures involved, including Eichmann as a central figure in the logistics of extermination.
  7. Zuroff, Efraim. Operation Last Chance: One Man's Quest to Bring Nazi War Criminals to Justice. St. Martin's Press, 2009.

    • Zuroff recounts efforts to pursue justice for Holocaust victims, highlighting Eichmann’s trial and the broader implications for accountability.

Articles and Journals

  1. Arendt, Hannah. "Some Questions of Moral Philosophy." The New Yorker, 1963.

    • In this article, Arendt further explores themes from her book, questioning Eichmann’s moral culpability and the nature of evil.
  2. Lang, Berel. "The Understanding of Evil: A Comparative Analysis of Eichmann and Other Nazi Perpetrators." Journal of Holocaust Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, 2007, pp. 10-23.

    • This academic article provides insight into the mindset and actions of Eichmann and how they compare to other Nazi officials.
  3. Mendelsohn, Daniel. "The Thin Line Between Evil and Human." The New York Times Magazine, January 2011.

    • An exploration of the concept of evil through the lens of Eichmann’s trial and Arendt’s theories.

Documentaries and Films

  1. The Eichmann Show. Directed by Paul Andrew Williams, BBC Films, 2015.

    • This film explores the televised trial of Adolf Eichmann, capturing the complexities of the legal proceedings and ethical questions it raised.
  2. Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today. Directed by Sandra Schulberg, 1948.

    • While focused on the Nuremberg Trials, this documentary sets the stage for the trial of Eichmann and examines the accountability of Nazi leaders.

Online Resources

  1. **United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "Adolf Eichmann." ushmm.org.

    • A comprehensive resource detailing Eichmann’s life, his role in the Holocaust, and related historical analysis.
  2. **Yad Vashem. "The Eichmann Trial." yadvashem.org.

    • Provides insights and documentation related to the trial of Adolf Eichmann, including testimonies, historical context, and outcomes.


This bibliography provides a wide range of resources for studying Adolf Eichmann's role in the Holocaust and the historical ramifications of his actions. The materials listed encompass various perspectives and formats, enabling a comprehensive understanding of this pivotal figure in history.