Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following: Develop a unique proposal that describes a new health care system. Consider the current U.S. health care system’s strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. Be sure to include your answers to the following:

o What is your vision for the new health care system?

o Who benefits most from this new system?

o Are there any populations that would be disadvantaged by this new system? If so, who?

o What current challenges would be solved by implementing your new proposal?

o Would the proposed system create any new problems?

3 answers

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Start by brainstorming a new proposal for health care. Write down all of the ideas you can think of.

Then, choose three or four of the most important ideas. Start the body of your paper by describing these features.

In the rest of the body, answer the four questions about your proposal.

Finally, write the introduction and conclusion.