Write a 5 paragraph literary analysis of the book Hatchet by Gray Paulsen, must include a thesis statement, textual evidence, and references to all required components listed on the rubric which are ELA 8 Novel Study Portfolio Rubric
Excellent (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
Plot, Summary, central idea
All main plot points covered in an objective summary. Central idea is stated accurately
Most plot points covered, summary mostly objective, central idea mostly clear
Some important plot points might be missing, summary might include opinions or quotes, central idea unclear
Summary too brief, many plot elements missing, central idea missing
Dialogue & Conflict
Specific examples of dialogue are included and analyzed; the primary conflict is accurately described and supported.
Specific examples of dialogue are included and analyzed; the primary conflict is described.
An example of dialogue is included; the primary conflict is somewhat described.
An example of dialogue and conflict are included.
Literary techniques: allusion, foreshadowing, dramatic irony, figurative language
Accurately describes the use of literary elements and their relation to the plot.
Mostly describes the use of literary elements and their relation to the plot.
Somewhat describes the use of literary elements and their relation to the plot.
Minimally describes the use of literary elements and their relation to the plot.
The theme is accurately stated and supported with specific textual evidence and/or explanation.
The theme is accurately stated and supported with some textual evidence and/or explanation.
The theme is stated and somewhat supported with textual evidence and/or explanation.
The theme is stated but not supported with textual evidence and/or explanation.
Conventions & Language
No errors in grammar, spelling, or mechanics. Uses complete sentences and a variety of sentence types. Vibrant, effective vocabulary included.
1 to 3 errors in grammar, spelling,
and/or mechanics. Uses a variety of sentence types. Word choice is effective.
4 to 6 errors in grammar, spelling,
and/or mechanics. There may be 1-2 incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, and/or fragments. Basic word choice.
More than 6 errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics. There are more than 2 incomplete sentences, run-on sentences, and/or fragments. Dull words.
Total Points
1 answer
"Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen is a gripping survival story that explores the physical and emotional challenges faced by a young boy named Brian Robeson. Through descriptive language and vivid imagery, Paulsen takes readers on a harrowing journey as Brian grapples with his isolation in the Canadian wilderness following a plane crash. This literary analysis will examine the novel's plot, dialogue and conflict, use of literary techniques, theme, and the author's use of conventions and language.
Plot, Summary, Central Idea:
The plot of "Hatchet" revolves around Brian's attempt to survive in the wilderness after he finds himself alone following a plane crash. The story successfully covers all the main plot points in an objective summary, depicting Brian's struggle to find food, build shelter, and adapt to his surroundings. The central idea of the novel, survival against all odds, is accurately stated and supported with evidence from the text. Brian's resourcefulness and resilience form the core of the central idea, highlighting the human potential to overcome adversity.
Dialogue and Conflict:
"Hatchet" incorporates dialogue effectively to reveal the internal and external conflicts faced by Brian. Specific examples of dialogue are used to analyze his thoughts and emotions, further highlighting the isolation and desperation he experiences. The primary conflict, Brian versus nature, is accurately described and supported. Brian must adapt to survive in an unforgiving environment, facing challenges such as finding food, battling harsh weather, and defending himself against wild animals. The conflict is a constant presence throughout the story, keeping readers engaged.
Literary Techniques: Allusion, Foreshadowing, Dramatic Irony, Figurative Language:
Gary Paulsen skillfully employs various literary techniques to enhance the plot and engage readers. Allusion is used sparingly, like when Brian briefly references Robinson Crusoe, emphasizing the parallels between the two characters stranded on a deserted island. Foreshadowing is subtly incorporated, such as when Brian recalls the pilot's advice on how to steer the plane; this foreshadows his later ability to pilot the aircraft. Figurative language is used to create vivid imagery, allowing readers to visualize Brian's experiences in the wilderness. For example, when Paulsen writes, "The hatchet flashed again, the spark a bright point in the morning, arcing and spinning away" (Paulsen 52), readers can almost see the sparks flying off the blade.
The theme of survival is accurately stated and supported with specific textual evidence. Brian's will to survive and his ingenuity are evident throughout the novel, reinforcing the idea that human resilience can triumph over even the harshest challenges. The theme is further developed through Brian's transformation from a fearful, inexperienced boy to a confident and self-sufficient survivor. The emotional and psychological growth he undergoes underscores the overarching theme.
Conventions and Language:
The novel exhibits flawless grammar, spelling, and mechanics, demonstrating Paulsen's mastery of the written word. The author employs complete and varied sentence structures to maintain reader interest. Furthermore, Paulsen uses vibrant and effective vocabulary to vividly describe the wilderness and Brian's struggles. The language helps to immerse readers in the story and amplify the intensity of Brian's experiences.
"Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen is a captivating tale of survival that skillfully combines detailed description, engaging dialogue, effective use of literary techniques, and a powerful theme. Through Brian's struggles and triumphs, readers are reminded of the indomitable human spirit and the strength one can find within themselves when faced with adversity. Paulsen's expert storytelling and well-crafted language make "Hatchet" an enduring novel that continues to resonate with readers of all ages.