Write a 350- to 700-word paper in APA format describing two approaches or indicators to measuring patient outcomes. Measuring the quality of care is essential to being able to identify which areas of patient care need improvement. A positive patient outcome is one measure of quality. What role do health care workers play in determining quality care?

How does this sound so far? Anything you think that can be added, I'm having trouble with this assignment. Thanks in advance for your help :o)

One approach to measure a patients’ outcome would be to follow-up with the patient. Having the patient come back for a few follow-up appointments and calling the patient to see how he or she is doing is a good way to keep up with the patient. Following up with the patient also shows that you care. Another approach to determine the patients’ outcome would be to pay attention to detail. Paying attention to detail assures the patient you are paying attention and are more capable of following the patients’ needs and preparing the right course of treatment.
Measuring the quality of care is essential to being able to identify which areas of patient care need improvement. A positive patient outcome is essential for building up the hospital or Dr. Office’s reputation. Patients are now able to fill out survey’s either before or after they had their treatment to determine the quality of care that was given. Survey’s help provide much needed feedback in order to become better or do things differently.
Health care workers are a major part in determining a patient’s quality of care. Health care workers are the main one that takes care of the patients, such as; patient aids, RN’s, doctors, etc. If poor treatment is given, the facility or hospital can be at risk of losing patients. Relationships need to be built up as the patient continues to go to a certain clinic or hospital, and that is how they build rapport with their patients. If quality care is not given, the hospitals and facilities can lose patients.

1 answer

One approach to measure a patients’ outcome would be to follow-up with the patient. Having the patient come back for a few follow-up appointments and calling the patient to see how he or she is doing is a good way (PLURAL. "...ARE GOOD WAYS...") to keep up with the patient. Following up with the patient also shows that you care.


Another approach to determine the patients’ outcome would be to pay attention to detail. Paying attention to detail assures the patient you are paying attention and are more capable of following the patients’ needs and preparing the right course of treatment. (HOW DOES THE MEDICAL PROVIDER INDICATE TO THE PATIENT THAT S/HE IS PAYING "ATTENTION TO DETAIL"?)

Measuring the quality of care is essential to being able to identify which areas of patient care need improvement. A positive patient outcome is essential for building up the hospital or Dr. Office’s (SPELL OUT AND NO CAPS) reputation. Patients are now able to fill out survey’s either before or after they had their treatment to determine the quality of care that was given. (HOW WOULD A SURVEY BEFORE TREATMENT HELP?) Survey’s (NOT POSSESSIVE.) help provide much needed feedback in order to become better or do things differently.

Health care workers are a major part in determining a patient’s quality of care. Health care workers are the main one (PLURAL) that ("WHO TAKE" THEY ARE PEOPLE.) takes care of the patients, such as; patient aids, RN’s (NURSES INCLUDES LPNS TOO.) , doctors, etc. If poor treatment is given, the facility or hospital can be at risk of losing patients. Relationships need to be built up (HOW DO THEY BUILD RELATIONSHIPS? WHAT SPECIFICALLY DOES THIS?) as the patient continues to go to a certain clinic or hospital, and that is how they build rapport with their patients. If quality care is not given, the hospitals and facilities can lose patients.

Some of your response is too general. For example, what specific behaviors are involved in quality care? Expressing empathy? Providing information? Others?

In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.

Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.