write a 3-5 sentence description of the event. Please include the date/ year it happened. Be detailed and USE YOUR OWD WORDS. (parenthetical citation of source you used to get this info)
Sit-ins (1960):
1 answer
Sit-ins were peaceful protests that were commonly used to fight segregation in public places during the Civil Rights Movement in the early 1960s. During a sit-in, protesters would occupy segregated establishments such as restaurants, lunch counters, or public transportation waiting areas, refusing to leave until they were served or treated equally. These acts of civil disobedience aimed to challenge racist practices and policies that discriminated against African Americans. The historic Greensboro sit-ins in 1960, where four Black college students sat at a whites-only lunch counter in North Carolina, sparked a national wave of similar demonstrations across the country, ultimately leading to desegregation in many public spaces (History.com).