Write a 1,050 to 1,400 word researcch paper identifying the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial cinventions and/or statuses of four Hispanic groups living in the United States. Your paper should cover Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and two groups of your choice from Ch.9 of the text.

Dedicate an equal portion of your paper to each Hispanic group.
Conclude your essay by summarizing major differences and commonalties apparemt among the groups.

Your assignment seems fairly clear. You take the information you've learned from your text and class and add additional research from journals, books, and the Internet. Take notes, organize and/or outline your material, write your body. Finish by writing your introduction and conclusion.

don't try to get someone else to write your paper for you

1 answer

Well its clearly not that easy since there are so many asking for help on the same assignment. I did the assignment and finding the information you need was he hard part. I just spent lots of time searching every site that explained anything on the groups I needed. Took for ever but I got it done.