write 2-3 sentences agreeing with this statement "Of Mice & Men was written & published during the Great Depression. During this time, the working class of America was mistreated. Of Mice & Men sought to express the mistreatment of this class, among the minorities that contributed to keeping our society together. The historical & cultural context of the time enforced this theme, as readers could better understand the perspective of the characters, and sympathize with/relate too them. As a modern reader, my response to the relationship of the characters would be different than a reader during the time of the Great Depression. I have experienced similar friendships (friendships ending in tragedy) but not to the extent shown in Of Mice & Men, as some people in the Great Depression might have experienced."

1 answer

I completely agree that Of Mice & Men effectively portrays the mistreatment of the working class during the Great Depression. The historical context of the time definitely adds layers to the characters' struggles and makes it easier for readers to empathize with them. As a modern reader, I can see how the themes of friendship and loneliness are still relevant today, even if the circumstances may be different.