wright 6 daily activities about what a mender of your mom does on a typical day and wright a short 2 sentences for each activity in Spanish the translate it to English

1 answer

Sure! Here are six daily activities of a mender (seamstress) and their descriptions in both Spanish and English:

1. Llegar al taller

Spanish: Mi mamá llega al taller temprano en la mañana y organiza su espacio de trabajo. Ella se asegura de que todas sus herramientas estén en su lugar antes de comenzar el día.
English: My mom arrives at the workshop early in the morning and organizes her workspace. She makes sure that all her tools are in place before starting the day.

2. Revisar pedidos

Spanish: Después de organizarse, revisa los pedidos de los clientes y planifica su trabajo. Cada tarea es importante, así que pone atención en los detalles.
English: After getting organized, she reviews the customers' orders and plans her work. Each task is important, so she pays attention to the details.

3. Coser y reparar

Spanish: Durante el día, se dedica a coser y reparar prendas de vestir. Le encanta restaurar la ropa y darle una nueva vida a las piezas dañadas.
English: Throughout the day, she dedicates herself to sewing and repairing clothing. She loves restoring clothes and giving a new life to damaged pieces.

4. Atender a clientes

Spanish: A veces, los clientes vienen a buscar sus prendas o hacer consultas. Mi mamá siempre es amable y escucha atentamente lo que necesitan.
English: Sometimes, customers come to pick up their garments or ask for consultations. My mom is always friendly and listens carefully to what they need.

5. Planchar y empaquetar

Spanish: Después de terminar las reparaciones, ella plancha cada prenda para asegurarse de que luzca perfecta. Luego, empaca las piezas con cuidado para entregarlas a los clientes.
English: After finishing the repairs, she irons each garment to ensure it looks perfect. Then, she carefully packs the items to deliver them to the customers.

6. Actualizar inventario

Spanish: Al final del día, actualiza el inventario de telas y materiales que necesita para el próximo día. Esto le ayuda a estar preparada para cualquier nuevo pedido.
English: At the end of the day, she updates the inventory of fabrics and materials needed for the next day. This helps her be prepared for any new orders.