Would this be a good thesis for an expository essay? "People’s attitude toward animal rights changed in the Renaissance, the 19th century, and the 20th century by becoming more considerate towards animals that were powerless in the past before humans."

1 answer

Hmmm. Assault rifle sales ("sporting weapons") were 2 million last year in the US. I wonder if these sporting rifles are more considerate towards animals...

Your thesis: I think you could work with it, however, it is very difficult to prove or argue with words such as "attitude" and "more considerate" and "powerless" . I am also wondering where you will get any facts from the 19th century.
A final thought: are animals in the slaughter house "powerless", and just exactly how "considerate" are humans being to them, as compared to 100 years ago? In your arguments, you will have to consider animals for food