would a screen be useful for separating a mixture of gravel and diatomaceous-earth powder?

6 answers

It is a good start. However, some fine gravel will get through the screen with the D.E., and some powder will stick to the gravel above the screen, especially if the gravel is wet.
i think it
You should say yes or no and then explain why it is a yes or no but this helps a little thanks for the help iam not b eing sarcastic when i said thanks for the help well keep helping it is good for people to know that you are helping in a certain way
Drwls feed back is good why would they just make people say the answer in the feedback they have to tell the answer
So I had this for HW and what I think is right is that the screen would work. But only the gravel will stay on the screen. The powder will pass through.
thanks you guys so much 4 all your help.This helped so much on a school project i actually got an A+!!!!!!!