Word bank : Samuel Adams, Bejamin Franklin, King George III, Thomas Jefferson, Marquis de Lafayette, Baron Frederick von Steuben, Thomas Paine, George Washington

1.ambassador to France in American Revolution author of Albany Plan of Union, delegate to the Philadelphia Convention
Benjamin Franklin

2.Prussian General who trained Continental ARmy at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778
Baron von Steuben

3.member of the Sons of Liberty urged boycott, tarred and feathered tax collectors, burned stamped paper, wrote letters for the committees of correspondence
Samuel ADams

4.French nobleman who fought for colonists in the American Revolution had the military band play Yankee Doodle Dandy at Yorktown
Marquis de Lafayette

2 answers

7.Author of Common Sense and The American Crisis
Thomas Paine

8.Primary author of Declaration of Independence, 3rd president, bought Lousiana Purcahse
Thomas Jefferson
You're on a roll! All are correct!