Word Bank : Averse / Detract / Disdain / Divulge / Elation / Endow / Expulsion / Mortify / Nullify / Ominous.
1-2 Some people are so ____ to living near a nuclear plant that they want the plant's license to be ____. They say plants infringes on every homeowner's right to safety.
3-4 Shannon is ____(e)d with beautiful curly hair, but her self-image is so low that she feels her hair ____s from her looks. However, others find her hair to be one of her many attractive physical attributes.
5-6 When someone ____(e)d to college officials that a certain student was selling drugs, an investigation began that led to that student's ____ from school.
7-8 Amy was ____ by the low grade she received for her class speech, a grade she considered a sign of the teacher's ____ for her. However, the teacher's rationale for the grade was that the speech was incoherent. In addition to the lack of logic, it contained little solid information.
9-10 Marty had believed his headaches and blurred vision were ____ signs of some terrible syndrome, so he felt ____ when he learned that he simply needed glasses.
6 answers
1-2 Some people are so averse to living near a nuclear plant that they want the plant's license to be nullified. They say the plant infringes on every homeowner's right to safety.
Your turn …
2. nullified
3. endowed
4. elated
5. disdain
6. expulsion
7. divulge
8. detract
9. ominous
10. mortified
Incorrect: 4, 5, 7, 8