Wookey, M. L., Graves, N. A., & Butler, J. C., (2009). Effects of a appearance on perceived competence of women. The Journal of Social Psychology, 149, 116-118. doi:10.3200/SOCP.149.1.116-118 This is the article to use 1. What are the design elements (IV, DV) and operational definitions? 2. What are the potential confounds? 3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study design? 4. Would these findings generalize to other types of jobs? Provide examples to support the ideas. 5. Could other types of attire lead to unfavorable impressions? Provide examples to support the ideas. 6. How could the researchers measure the participants’ perceptions without using self -report? Why might new measures be a good idea? 7. In what contexts can appearance be negative for men? Provide examples to support the ideas.