Women in the French Revolution:

Discuss the importance of the contributions of women to the French Revolution in at least one thoughtful paragraph. Consider the March of women, Charlotte Corday, and Jeanne Roland when formulating your answer.

I really need help starting this off. Your help will be appreciated.

7 answers

What do you want to say in your paragraph?

The first thing you should do is jot down the contributions of the women and how they helped the Revolution.

Then, and only then, think about how to start the essay.
-same equal rights as men
-lower prices and lower taxes
-establishment of Republic
-abolition of monarchy

They all helped with the French Revolution by marching their way down to justice.
Women did a lot more than march. They helped storm the Batille. The took the king and queen to Paris where they and other royals were later beheaded. They spoke out in favor of Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite.

Please check your book for more details.
they demanded an end to bread shortage, and high prices of bread.
They confronted the National Assembly and the king. Charlotte Corday spared some Girondins from execution. Jeanne Roland helped with the French Revolution by establishing the republic, and ending the monarchy.

Ms. Sue if you have more, then please don't mind listing them, thanks.
I've already given you some additional ideas.
so altogether it would be:

The women helped with the French Revolution by demanding an end to bread shortage, and high prices of bread. By confronting the National Assembly and the king. Charlotte Corday helped with the French Revolution by sparing some Girondins from execution. Jeanne Roland helped with the French
Revolution by establishing the republic, and ending the monarchy. The women also helped storm the Bastille. The took the king and queen to Paris where they and other royals were later beheaded. They spoke out in favor of Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite.

Ms. Sue is this good enough? Are my contributions correct?
Looks good, Sara.