Wny did conflict arise between Henry Il and Thomas Becket?

1 answer

Conflict arose between Henry II and Thomas Becket due to several factors, including their differing views on the relationship between the Church and the crown and their respective roles within it.

Henry II wanted more control over the Church and its wealth, while Becket, as Archbishop of Canterbury, was a staunch defender of the Church's independence and authority. This led to tensions between the two men, as Becket refused to follow Henry's orders and sought to protect the privileges of the Church.

Additionally, there were personal grievances between Henry and Becket, as Becket was originally a close friend and advisor to Henry but their relationship deteriorated as Becket's loyalty shifted towards the Church and away from the king.

The conflict came to a head when Henry II issued the Constitutions of Clarendon in 1164, which sought to limit the power of the Church and its ability to try clergy in ecclesiastical courts. Becket resisted these reforms, leading to a bitter dispute between the two men that ultimately resulted in Becket's murder in 1170.