The reflex arc in this situation is as follows:
1. Stimulus: The cotton ball hitting the face.
2. Sensory receptor: Nerve endings in the skin of the face detect the stimulus.
3. Sensory neuron: The sensory neurons carry the information from the sensory receptors to the spinal cord.
4. Integration center: The information is processed in the spinal cord.
5. Motor neuron: The motor neurons carry the response signal from the spinal cord to the muscles that control blinking.
6. Effector: The muscles in the eyelids contract, causing blinking as a response to the stimulus.
Overall, this reflex arc allows for a quick and automatic response to protect the eyes from potential harm.
Without warning, someone quickly throws a cotton ball at your face, you blink to show the reflex .
what is your reflex arc of stimulus and response?
1 answer