Within groups, differences in intelligence are highly correlated with_______. Between groups, differences are highly correlated with ________.
a) heritability: environment
b)environment: genes
c) heritability:random error in measurment
d) genes: the heritability estimate
my answer choice was A but i am conflicted with B. They both seem to be correct although I think A may be the answer I go with. What do you all think?
I was given the advice that neither A or B was right so now am confused, if its not A or B then is it C? because the book states the following: "although intellectual differences within groups are at least partly genetic in orgin, that does not mean differences between groups are genetic.
7 answers
The passage you quoted from your book doesn't explain the question. The question asks about high correlation, while the quote talks about partial origins.
Ok I think I got it now if I am not right this time am just going to have to get this one wrong lol. So I re-read my book and I believe that the answer is D now because the book states the following: "Gentic explanations, however, have a fatal flaw. They use heritability estimates based mainly on white samples to estimate the role of heredity in group differences, a procedure that is not vaid." This qoute should match up with the question it seems like am close to the answer but far at the same time lol
Ye, gads! No wonder you're confused. I don't think the quote is valid.
Be that as it may, D is probably the answer your instructor wants.
Be that as it may, D is probably the answer your instructor wants.
lol yes I am confused genetics is not my subject although I love psychology I can do without the gentics portion. But thank you so much for bring patient with me in my quest for the answer
You're welcome.
the answer is definitly a
D was wrong on my test.