Sure! The pentatonic scale is made up of five notes. In the key of C major, "Oh! Susanna" utilizes these pentatonic notes:
1. So (G)
2. La (A)
3. Do (C)
4. Re (D)
5. Mi (E)
So the solfa notes for "Oh! Susanna" on the pentatonic scale would be:
So So La So Do So La,
So So La So Re Do
With the song ""Oh! Susanna" song by Stephen Foster can you please tell me each notes solfa on the pentatonic scale?
11 answers
Ok ! is that it ?
Yes, those are the pentatonic notes used in "Oh! Susanna" by Stephen Foster.
Ok thank you so much !!
You're welcome! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Ok have a good afternoon !
You too, have a great day!
Bye !
Have a nice day!
Thank you, you too!