with the last sentence (the roman and greek poets....) it is the third topic in my essay. all of them show the similarities and differences. i was asking you guys a while back what were the similarities between roman and greek mythology and the only thing i could get was the similar gods (which i already had) so i added the AND DIFFERENCES part because i was stumped. but now it seems my whole essay is falling apart.... i need help to sew it all back together. :\
Since most of the Greek deities were adopted by the Romans, it would make sense that there would be many similarities and some differences between the Greek and roman poets and mythology. Some of the names and characteristics of certain Greek gods can be compared to the Roman gods. The only animals are those of Greek mythology because the Romans had no creatures in their mythology. The Roman and Greek poets are the only difference because of the content they write in their play and poems.
sorry. i have a deadline at 1 pm and its 12:50. :(
the culture is different. try looking that up.
the way the Romans built their cities was built off the design of the Greeks. look that one up too.
Please stop posting the same question multiple times. Post and then be patient.
Since most of the Greek deities were adopted by the Romans, there are many similarities and some differences between the Greek and roman<~~needs capital R poets and mythology. Some of the names and characteristics of certain Greek gods can be compared to the Roman gods. The only animals are those of Greek mythology because the Romans had no creatures in their mythology. The Roman and Greek poets are the only difference because of the content they write in their play and poems.<~~This last sentence doesn't make sense. It seems you are trying to say that the Greek and Roman poets' main differences are the content of their plays and poems. Is that correct? But that's obvious. Of course they'd be different. They were different men who wrote a couple of centuries apart.
What is the main idea you are trying to prove true in your paper? THAT should be the thesis statement.
(Broken Link Removed)
The Romans borrowed _________________(main ideas, culture, gods) from the Greeks. Then in your body paragraphs talk about why, what they were, their purpose, and so on.
1 answer
Thesis also reoccurs in myth in the guise of Metis, the goddess devoured by Zeus, and as Tethys the great nurse, mother of all. However, in extant literature, these two figures are usually far removed from the old cosmological creator-god, of the sort presented in Alcman's Theogony.