Nigeria is located in the tropical region of West Africa, and as such, it is characterized by a diverse and rich biotic community. There are several types of biotic communities found in Nigeria, including:
1. Rainforests: Nigeria is home to two types of rainforests - the Guinea-Congo forest and the Upper Guinea Forest. These rainforests support a wide range of animal species, including primates, bats, butterflies, and birds. Some endemic animal species found in these forests include the Nigerian white-throated guenon and the Nigerian chimpanzee.
2. Savannas: The savannas of Nigeria are characterized by tall grasses and scattered trees. These biomes support a large number of herbivores like antelopes, zebras, and giraffes, as well as predators like lions, leopards, and hyenas.
3. Mangrove Swamps: The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is covered by dense mangrove swamps. These swamps offer protection to fish, crabs, and other marine life, and are also an important nesting ground of sea turtles.
4. Aquatic Biomes: Nigeria has many rivers and lakes, including the Niger and Benue rivers and the Chad and Lake Kainji. These water bodies support a variety of aquatic plant and animal life, including catfish, tilapia, and crocodiles.
Overall, Nigeria's diversity in biotic communities is due to its location, climate, and topography.
With the aid of a map describe the local biotic in nigeria
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