With Slide 4 still displayed, modify the animations of the pictures as follows to make them more consistent and smoother:

a. Apply the animation applied to picture 4 to picture 5.


Select all the pictures and change the Start setting to After Previous so that the

animations play one after the other.

1 answer

To modify the animations on Slide 4:

a. Right-click on picture 5 and select "Copy Animation".

b. Right-click on picture 5 and select "Paste Animation". This will apply the animation applied to picture 4 to picture 5.

c. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on each picture to select them all.

d. On the Animation tab, under the Timing group, click on the drop-down menu next to "Start" and select "After Previous". This will change the Start setting for all the pictures so that the animations play one after the other.

e. Play the slideshow to ensure that the animations are consistent and smoother now.