To improve the organization and appearance of the bulleted list on Slide 2, you can follow these formatting instructions:
1. Delete the list item "Forest Road", which is not a historic district.
2. Increase the indent of the list items "Mansion Cove", "Overlook Ridge", and "Pioneer Square" in the bulleted list.
3. Change the font color of the entire list to Dark Red, Accent 1, Darker 25% (5th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors Palette).
4. Bold the level-1 list items ("Identify landmarks.", "Identify historic districts:", and "Answer the questions:").
With Slide 2 still displayed, format the bulleted list as follows to improve its organization and appearance:
A. Delete the list item "Forest Road", which is not a historic district.
b. Increase the indent of the list items "Mansion Cove", "Overlook Ridge", and "Pioneer Square" in the bulleted list.
C. Change the font color of the entire list to Dark Red, Accent 1, Darker 25% (5th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors Palette).
d. Bold the level-1 list items ("Identify landmarks.", "Identify historic districts:", and "Answer the questions:").
1 answer