Winter evenings were always quiet near Jacob’s log cabin in the woods of Minnesota. Especially when snow fell, a hush would sweep over his cabin, and he would settle into his favorite armchair with a book. Scary stories were Jacob’s favorite, and he sat by the fireplace one evening with a ghost story. With a cup of hot cocoa at his side, Jacob eagerly flipped each page of the book.

A fresh layer of snow had fallen before sunset, and the woods were quieter than ever. So Jacob noticed when the sound of feet approached his cabin.

“Who’s there?” he asked timidly, but there was no reply.

The footsteps stopped, and he didn’t hear any breathing, so he picked up his book to finish the story. In the book a ghost was haunting a man who lived alone in a European castle. The ghost shifted through every room of the castle, following the man no matter where he went. On the edge of his seat, Jacob turned the page when suddenly the footsteps came again. This time it sounded like they were closer, and then, there was knocking at his door!

Too frightened to move or speak, Jacob stayed glued to his seat and held his breath. He wanted to peek out the window to see who was there, but it was so dark outside. Jacob remained motionless in his armchair. He didn’t dare pick up the book again because now he didn’t want to know how the ghost story ended. Would the ghost finally catch the man in the castle? He hoped not.

When the cabin was once again silent, Jacob carefully got up from his chair and took his cocoa mug to the sink. He rinsed the mug, trying to convince himself that he had been hearing things. The ghost story had his imagination getting carried away, that was all.

Jacob headed to the bedroom to try to get a good night’s sleep. Jacob had just settled underneath the covers when the footsteps returned and the knocking as well. Ripping the blankets off, he leaped out of bed and dashed to the door. He couldn’t stand the suspense anymore. He needed to face whatever was out there in the cold darkness haunting him like a cruel ghost.

“Who’s there?” he said in a booming voice.

No reply came, so he ran to the mantel and lit a candle, carrying it to the door. Swinging the door open in one swift motion, he revealed his ghost.

There in the doorway stood a spotted deer, gazing at him through big amber eyes that glowed in the candlelight. The deer’s body was thin, and it appeared that the animal had not eaten for days. Exhaling deeply, Jacob smiled at his “ghost” before running into the kitchen to fetch some food. After that night Jacob still enjoyed reading by the fireplace, but he never read another ghost story.

Which detail shows that, in the beginning of the text, Jacob loved to read ghost stories?

“The footsteps stopped, and he didn’t hear any breathing, so he picked up his book to finish the story.”

“With a cup of hot cocoa at his side, Jacob eagerly flipped each page of the book.”

“He didn’t dare pick up the book again because now he didn’t want to know how the ghost story ended.”

“After that night Jacob still enjoyed reading by the fireplace, but never read another ghost story.”

1 answer

"With a cup of hot cocoa at his side, Jacob eagerly flipped each page of the book."