Will these clubs below help me get into one of these colleges:
1. Illinois state university school of arts
2. Yale University School of Arts
3. The Illinois Institute of Art — Chicago
9th Grade Club
• Epiphany (Literary Magazine)
• Heart Club
• Helping Hands
• QED- (Math Journal)
• Ram’s Horn (school's newspaper)
• National Honor Society (if get notated and accepted)
• National Societies (if get accepted if one of them)
10th Grade Clubs
• Chaos (science journal)
• QED (Math Journal)
• Ram Horns (school's newspaper)
• Epiphany (Literary Magazine)
• Kids for Kids Club
• Animal Rights Club
• National Honor Society (if get accepted)
• National Honor Societies (if get accepted in one of them)
• Math League (MAYBE)
11th Grade Clubs
• QED (Math Journal)
• Ram Horns (school's newspaper)
• Epiphany (Literary Magazine)
• National Honor Society (if get accepted)
• National Honor Societies (if get accepted in one of them)
• Model United Nations
• Science Research Club
• Math League (maybe)
• Youth Against Cancer (YAC)
12th Grade Clubs
• Senior Class
• Epiphany (Literary Magazine)
• Heart Club
• Helping Hands
• QED- (Math Journal)
• Math League (maybe)
• National Honor Society (if get accepted)
• National Honor Societies (if get accepted in one of them)
I know that a lot but like I love school activites you know. Every year I'm joining 2 clubs that involded community service and helping others. I don't want to do soooo much communitu service because I need to focus on my classes. The Math team is a MAYBE so that depends on my grades and if it'm really good at math. the national honor societies that a IF I get accepted and chosen. I didn't bother joining art clubs because like I have art contests, art classes I have in school, and art programs after school (like summer programs and about 1 art program). I love to write a lot so that's why I'm joining some clubs that involded writing things (math journal, science journal, school's newspaper, and Epiphany (Literary Magazine). Well for Epiphany (Literary Magazine) is pretty much a writing/art club which is good :)
I'm going to stop girl scouts around 10th grade. Karate I'm doing that. Kumon never doing it (dad said no).
7 answers
Here is a decription:
Class officers are elected each year. These officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each class operates as a unit to develop class spirit as well as school spirit.
Don't forget test scores.
Community service counts bigtime. But with a school club? Hardly, colleges want to know what you did, not the club.
Girl Scouts...Did you get your bronze, and silver? Lord, those are great community service. Quitting in the 10 grade, no GOLD? The GOLD award is great community service. Frankly, all my Service Unit girls who did the gold the last two years went to college on scholarship...One on a free ride to Julliard in NYC (she also got the GS Council scholarship). Goodness, Goodness, Goodness.
There is NO comparison to school clubs community service and Girl Scout Silver and Gold awards.
What are colleges interested in, and look for in your application?
1) Aptitude..your SAT or ACT score
2) your scholarly record: Class standing, mainly, and what you took in HS (the courses). Grades themselves are not all that important, especially GPA.
3) What can/will you contribute to the college and society? Your reference letters, your essay, your community service history and accomplishments. These reflect on your personal commitment to helping others, and making the world a better place.
and finally, but much less important, is 4) your ability to communicate ideas. They get this from your admission essay, samples of essays your teachers attach to their letters they send on your behalf, and in interviews.
Making the world a better place is important. Discuss this with your Girl Scout Leader.
I hope this helps you.
It does helps!! :)
I got these clubs from Clarkstown North HS (I'm hoping I move and go to that high school).