Will someone help me construct a layout for this project? It's due Thursday.

On your power point, you should develop a presentation that identifies the party, tells us meaningful information about the party platform, and tries to convince us not only to join the party but to donate money to help further the party's cause.

I"m not sure how or where to start.

11 answers

I have cover art, and I think I should start by telling the class what the Libertarian Party is and who some of the members are. Maybe celebrities who belong to the party. After that, I am lost. Should I dive right into the party's platform after telling them about the party and some of its members? How can I convince my class to join and donate money to the party?
Should I include a preamble or a statement of principles?
You mean you have begun this project without making an outline first?

An outline or plan is your map? If you don't have one, you'll be lost.

If you've made a plan, please post it for us and then we'll be able to make suggestions and give help.
Okay. Here's what I was thinking:

The first slide is going to be a photo of the Libertarian Party logo and its slogan. The second slide is going to be about who we (I am going to say "we" because I need to convince my class that I support this party so they should as well) are, as in what we advocate, why we are not liberals or conservatives, things like that. Then for the third slide, I was thinking about not including celebrities who are members of the party because it does not seem necessarily important. So I was going to dive straight into the party's platform. Maybe I could write something brief and somewhat vague about the platform to act as a transition to the types of liberties we believe in. The first kind of liberty I'll discuss is personal liberty, and I'll talk briefly about what we think of self-ownership, expression and communication, privacy, personal relationships. abortion, crime and justice, and self-defense. Then I'll move onto economic liberty and discuss our beliefs in property and contract, environment, energy and resources, government and financial markets, marketplace freedom, labor markets. education, health care, and income and retirement. Then I'll somehow transition all of that to securing liberty which will be composed of international affairs, individual rights and internal security, national defense, free trade and migration, rights and discrimination, representative government, and self-determination. Finally, I'll tell them they should join because we're the only political party working for their best interests and we believe they should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests and what not. I'm still not sure how to get them to want to donate to the party, though.
Please put it in the following format. It'll be far easier for you to make your slides if you do this rather than that too long paragraph. Include the slide numbers.

1. Libertarian party logo and slogan

2. Libertarian party beliefs

3. What Libertarians don't believe (how they are different from other parties)

1. Libertarian party logo and slogan

2. Libertarian party beliefs

3. What Libertarians don't believe (how they are different from other parties)

4. Libertarian party platform

5. Personal liberty

6. Personal liberty'

7. Economic liberty

8. Economic liberty

9. Securing liberty

10. Securing liberty

11. Why the class should join the party

12. Contact information?
Should I discuss everything from the party's platform? I feel like talking about every single one of their takes on these issues is a bit much. I mean, I don't know much time I'll have to present all this.

What do you think? My teacher said to tell the class "meaningful" information about the platform? But what's considered meaningful, and what isn't?
How are slides 2 and 4 different?

I'd take "meaningful" as those ideas that are markedly different from other parties and which would be strongest in reaching the party's goals.
They are not different. I should delete slide 4.
Wouldn't everything on the party's platform be "meaningful?"
Yes, exactly.