Will s person that is born deaf(deaf since birth) be able to speak? please provide a proof for your answer(i.e. website)

3 answers

Read widely and let us know what you think:

Discovery Online, The Skinny On ... Deaf People's Inner Voice
http://www.discovery.com/area/skinnyon/skinnyon971128/skinnyon.html - Cached
"Do profoundly deaf people who learn to talk have a voice in their head?" ... Some learn to speak and lipread instead of signing. Other people may go deaf ...



Myths about Deaf People (and the truth) « If My Hands Could Speak…
Mar 19, 2011 – “All Deaf people can read lips, and as long as I speak distinctly and look at them, they will always understand every word I have to say”. ...
even if they were born deaf and did not hear any speech can they talk?
Many can, if they respond well to the training, I've heard.